Cynthia Moku


open fields

Prints available in the Gallery Shop

acrylic on paper

Thomas D. Duane MD & Julia M. Duane MD
knowledgeable lovers of art and friend to the Artist

Years ago, I began a journey that would last a year-and-a-half, of recurrent travel between Boulder, Colorado (my home) and Bedminster Township in Bucks County, Pennsylvania (my children’s grandparent’s home). I named this journey “Mountains & Fields Residency.” It became an outer and inner exploration into worlds unknown and a fresh look at worlds known.

The Mountains & Fields Series now showing on my website as ‘Open Fields’ 2 a/b, 5 a/b, and 9 a/b were spontaneously and swiftly painted after walks through the fields and meadows of the Duane’s country estate.

With this remembrance, I would like to acknowledge Tom and Julia, underscoring this unique residency. I was given an opportunity to be with Julia and my eldest son, also a painter in his own right. It became a time for meditation, research and painting in the verdant woodlands and pastures of historic eastern Pennsylvania.