Yeshe Tsogyal Queen

medium fine art print
11×14″ (28x36cm), colour on cloth
framed size: 18×21” (46x53cm)

print framed with gold embellishment $1,325
print framed $1,214
print with gold embellishment $346
print only $235

small fine art print
9×12″ (23x30cm), colour on cloth
framed size: 14×17” (36x43cm)

print framed with gold embellishment $1,077
print framed $967
print with gold embellishment $221
print only $110

card, printed both sides
8×8″ (20x20cm), colour $22

Larger sizes are available for temples and meditation halls.
Gold embellishment is is available for medium and small prints.

Each print will come with a signed Artist Statement.
See Purchase Guidelines for details.
Shipping fees will be determined upon receipt of order.
Contact us at Moku Studios if you have questions.


This painting portrays the wisdom queen and realized yogini, Yeshe Tsogyal, embodying enlightened feminine principle within the context of Himalayan Buddhist art. Yeshe Tsogyal’s features are mature while exhibiting a youthful compassionate peace and engaged wisdom. With her right leg extended, symbolizing an enduring intention to be present for all beings, she offers a white gold-rimmed skullcup filled with amrita, nourishing elixir. Her left hand held palm down in the fearless mudra, gently crowns an embellished golden urn containing the essence of Dharma. Thus signifying her guardianship over the Buddha’s essential teachings: the truth of impermanence, the causal law of interdependence, and the luminous-emptiness of all arising and ceasing.

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